Effects of Reading Science Fiction Books

Effects of Reading Science Fiction Books

Science fiction often shortened to Sci-Fi is a genre of abstract fiction that usually deals with imaginative concepts of present and future of science, innovative technology, time travel, Martian life, spaceflight and other planetary movements. Since the start, fictions books have not evolved spontaneously but it is a dynamic process and a lot of research has been done in terms of collecting information with a future prospect. Science fiction infers to current scientific knowledge and often allows for a single leap (which cannot be explained by science). The purpose is to set a story in the conceivable future that examines the human condition.


Similarly, good science fiction books can astonish and motivate the science fiction readers. Moreover, such fiction books just make humans wonder about the realities of human creations and that’s how an element of curiosity is being raised among the readers of science fiction. Best fiction books spark the imagination and inspire the human creativity and it paves a path for every new generation of stargazers. In addition to that, it’s just fun to read.


Betterment of Society

Most importantly, science fiction is the genre that portrays how society, diverse cultures could function differently and how their beliefs are constructed according to their views.  This is the first step towards progress as it allows us to imagine the future we want, and consider ways to work towards it. It also makes us aware of futures we wish to avoid, and helps us prevent them.



A few popular fascinating fiction books with quality content that influenced the readers are as follows:

  • Before Mars’ is one of the best space related fiction books in which Emma has described a journey of a geologist who arrives at a small Mars base after a lengthy journey only to realize the fact that things are not exactly the same as they seem. “Before Mars” takes place on an unnatural, quirky and largely empty Mars after a giant corporation acquires the rights to the planet.

The writer, Emma Newman has addressed the readers in a very thrilling manner that it entirely grasped the attention of the readers and made it one of the popular books of all times.

  • Leviathan Wakes’ is a science fiction book by James S.A. Corey which narrates about the future where, humanity has colonized the solar system. Two hundred years after travelling into space, mankind is in chaos and exposes the greatest conspiracy in human history. It is considered to be one of the best selling series of New York Times. This novel by James is not just an epic piece of writing but in fact, it is a masterpiece which makes it the best book for the readers to read.


Other than those, these 3 are also considered to be the best books that tend to contribute towards the history of science fiction:

  • True history by Lucian of Samosta
  • One thousand and one nights by various authors
  • The Voynich manuscript


There are other several examples of books that have contributed to science fiction. In this context, science fiction has inspired more people to become scientists and influenced the individuals with their great, quality content. Edwin Hubble, who delivered a strong proof for the big bang theory, and was the first person to prove that galaxies exist outside of the Milky Way, got an inspiration to become a scientist after reading Jules Verne science fiction novels. He has appeared as one of the best book writers of his time.


Science Fiction Movies

Likewise, various movies like The Martian, The vertical Limit, Gravity, Interstellar and Star Trek amused the audience with its science fiction content. Most of these movies were partially or entirely set in space which later resulted into the best science fiction movies. Some movies were also present in novel form which ultimately persuaded the book readers.


And it’s not wrong to say that science fiction and fantasy have both prompted and encouraged the creation of technological geniuses and wonders from human triumphs. Science fiction has clearly its own way of engaging the readers and the viewers by creating a content that depicts the future prospects of the human technological developments. Science fiction books and informative publications can also help in addressing the long-term problems, such as global warming and it will ultimately help the readers, to stay more updated with the advancements in science fiction books.